2024 Q1-Q2:津巴布韦的囚犯人数从24 068人减少到20 997人。 2024 Q1-Q2: Zimbabwe's prison population decreased from 24,068 to 20,997 inmates.
据津巴布韦国家统计局(ZimStat)报告,津巴布韦的囚犯人数从2024年第一和第二季度的24 068人减少到20 997人。 Zimbabwe's prison population decreased from 24,068 to 20,997 inmates between the first and second quarters of 2024, as reported by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZimStat). 人口包括20 347名男性和650名女性,其中23.5%还押候审。 The population includes 20,347 males and 650 females, with 23.5% on remand. 全国监禁率为每10万人135人。 The national imprisonment rate is 135 per 100,000 people. 第二季度,主要由于大赦、假释和社区服务,18 009名囚犯获释。 In the second quarter, 18,009 prisoners were discharged, primarily due to amnesty, parole, and community service.