英国国家电网 (National Grid) 投资 9 亿英镑的项目即将完工,该项目将欣克利角 C 与新的、更短的 T 形塔连接起来。 National Grid nears completion on a £900 million project to connect Hinkley Point C with new, shorter T-pylons.
Hinkley Point C连接项目定于2025年春季完成,该项目涉及安装57公里高空线和新的T-pylons,比传统的Sylons要短三分之一。 The Hinkley Point C connection project, due for completion by spring 2025, involves installing 57 km of overhead lines and new T-pylons, which are a third shorter than traditional pylons. 由Balfour Beatty监督的9 000万英镑项目旨在将Hinkley Point C与Somrset和其他地方的不同地点连接起来。 The £900 million project, overseen by Balfour Beatty, aims to connect Hinkley Point C to various locations in Somerset and beyond. 美国国家电网已经在布里奇沃特和洛克斯顿之间为36座T柱提供电力. National Grid has already energized 36 T-pylons between Bridgwater and Loxton.