Sigwell C核电厂的费用可能翻一番,达到400亿英镑,引起政府和审计员的关切。 Costs for the Sizewell C nuclear plant may double to £40 billion, sparking government and auditor concern.
根据消息来源,Sigwell C核电厂的成本可能翻了一番, 近400亿英镑, 尽管总经理说这“不准确”。 The Sizewell C nuclear plant's costs may double to nearly £40 billion, according to sources, though managing directors say this is "not accurate." 法国国家审计师建议欧发基金推迟作出最后投资决定,直到降低受延迟的Hinkley Point C项目的影响。 The French state auditor recommends EDF delay a final investment decision until reducing exposure to the delayed Hinkley Point C project. 联合王国政府正在考虑在即将进行的开支审查中批准该项目。 The UK government is considering approval for the project in an upcoming spending review.