Hinkley Point C核电站的工人对指纹扫描仪和恶劣工作条件进行罢工。 Workers at Hinkley Point C nuclear plant strike over fingerprint scanners and poor working conditions.
联合王国Hinkley Point C核电站的工人正在进行罢工行动,抗议指纹扫描仪和恶劣的工作条件。 Workers at the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station in the UK are engaged in a strike action, protesting fingerprint scanners and poor working conditions. 电工、管道装管工和焊接工都参与其中,他们声称受到欺凌和恐吓。 Electricians, pipe fitters, and welders are involved, with claims of bullying and intimidation. 原已落后于时间表的核电站预计将在2029年至2031年之间投入运行。 The nuclear power station, already behind schedule, is expected to become operational between 2029 and 2031. 工人计划于2024年12月2日全面罢工。 Workers plan a full strike on December 2, 2024. 欧洲开发基金(EDF),现场操作员,承认各种关切,并正在拟订一项决议。 EDF, the site operator, acknowledges concerns and is working on a resolution.