国家电网计划在德比郡修建一条 60 公里长的电线杆线路,将新的切斯特菲尔德变电站与威灵顿连接起来,实现基础设施现代化,并为 600 万户家庭输送 6 吉瓦的电力。 National Grid proposes a 60km pylon route in Derbyshire to connect new Chesterfield substation to Willington, modernize infrastructure, and carry 6 GW power for 6 million homes.
国家电网计划在德比郡修建一条长 60 公里的新电线塔线路,将新的切斯特菲尔德变电站与南德比郡威灵顿的现有变电站连接起来。 The National Grid proposes a new 60km electricity pylon route in Derbyshire to connect a new Chesterfield substation to an existing one in Willington, South Derbyshire. 该项目旨在输送6千兆瓦的电力,足以为600万户家庭供电,并对缺乏能力处理海上风力涡轮机不断增长的电力输出的过时基础设施进行现代化改造。 The project aims to carry six gigawatts of electricity, enough to power six million homes, and modernize outdated infrastructure that lacks capacity to handle growing power output from offshore wind turbines. 公众咨询将于 5 月 14 日开始,持续八周。 A public consultation will start on May 14 and run for eight weeks.