Hydro One 计划在安大略省西南部建设 500 kV Longwood 至 Lakeshore 输电线路项目,第一条线路将于 2030 年建成。 Hydro One plans a 500-kV Longwood to Lakeshore transmission line project in Southwestern Ontario, constructing the first line by 2030.
Hydro One 计划在安大略省西南部建设一个大型输电线路项目,即朗伍德至湖滨项目,其中包括两条从斯特拉斯罗伊-卡拉多克到温莎的单回路 500 千瓦线路。 Hydro One plans a massive transmission line project, the Longwood to Lakeshore project, in Southwestern Ontario, featuring two single-circuit, 500-kilovolt lines from Strathroy-Caradoc to Windsor. 该公用事业公司将仅建设第一条线路,新线路将于 2030 年投入使用。 The utility will construct the first line only, with the new line set to enter service by 2030. Hydro One 旨在在规划过程中收集原住民社区、民选官员和业主的意见。 Hydro One aims to gather input from Indigenous communities, elected officials, and property owners during the planning process.