旧金山的煤气泄漏导致15次疏散 以及2200栋房屋的停电 Gas leak in San Francisco leads to 15 evacuations and power shutoff for 2,200 homes.
San Francisco's Outer Richmond区47街和Balboa街的煤气泄漏导致15名在Muni公共汽车上避难的居民撤离。 A gas leak in San Francisco's Outer Richmond District at 47th Avenue and Balboa Street has led to the evacuation of 15 residents who sought shelter in a Muni bus. 导致PG&E关闭了约2,200户人家的电源, 以此作为安全防范措施。 The leak, caused by an accidental breach during construction, prompted PG&E to shut off electricity to about 2,200 homes as a safety precaution. 没有人员受伤的报告,当局正在努力解决这一情况。 No injuries were reported, and authorities are working to resolve the situation.