都柏林的房价在2024年飙升到创纪录的高点,预计2025年还会进一步上涨。 Dublin's house prices soar to record highs in 2024, with further increases predicted for 2025.
由于供应低,需求高, 德布林的房价在2024年创下历史新高. Dublin's house prices hit record highs in 2024, driven by low supply and high demand. 预计2025年价格将进一步上涨,特别是节能住房的价格将进一步上涨,因为其B3或评分较好,其价格已高达10%。 Prices are forecast to rise further in 2025, particularly for energy-efficient homes, which have seen up to 10% higher prices due to their B3 or better ratings. 二手住房的短缺和劳动力市场的上升为市场火上浇油,主要买主是自有住房者。 The shortage of second-hand homes and rising labor market have fueled the market, with owner-occupiers as the main buyers. 专家预测,以供应短缺为条件,北边将增加7%,西边和西南部将增加5.5%。 Experts predict a 7% increase in the northside and a 5.5% increase in the west and southwest, contingent on supply shortages.