Aengaruuru法院准许保释三名被控自杀的技术工作者Atul Subhash的家庭成员。 A Bengaluru court granted bail to three family members accused in the suicide of tech worker Atul Subhash.
Abengaruuru法院准予Atul Subhash的妻子Nikita Singhania、其母亲Nisha和兄弟Anurag获得保释,后者在自杀案中被指控。 A Bengaluru court granted bail to Atul Subhash's wife Nikita Singhania, her mother Nisha, and brother Anurag, accused in his suicide case. Atul是一名34岁的技术人员,死于自杀,留下一张纸条和录像,指控他的妻子和婆婆骚扰和勒索。 Atul, a 34-year-old techie, died by suicide, leaving a note and video accusing his wife and in-laws of harassment and extortion. 他的家人计划就保释决定向卡纳塔卡高等法院提出上诉。 His family plans to appeal the bail decision in the High Court of Karnataka. 被告在不同城市被捕,预计完成手续后将被释放。 The accused were arrested in different cities and are expected to be released after completing formalities.