据称,儿子在酗酒纠纷中杀死母亲,然后在孟加拉鲁的家中自杀。 Son allegedly kills mother during alcoholism dispute, then commits suicide in Bengaluru home.
据称,一名21岁的儿子Ramesh勒死了他41岁的母亲Lakshmi Devi,当时他正在孟加拉国郊区租住的家中争论酗酒问题。 A 21-year-old son, Ramesh, allegedly strangled his 41-year-old mother, Lakshmi Devi, during an argument about his alcoholism in their rented home on the outskirts of Bengaluru. 事发后,Ramesh自杀。 After the incident, Ramesh committed suicide. 家人从Vijayanagara区搬来上班。 The family had moved from Vijayanagara district for work. 该案是根据受害人的丈夫Manjanna提出的申诉登记的,进一步的法律诉讼程序尚待进行。 The case was registered based on a complaint by the victim's husband, Manjanna, and further legal proceedings are pending.