孟买一家法院准予Aditya Pandit保释,Aditya Pandit被控自杀,其女友飞行员Srishti Tuli自杀。 A Mumbai court granted bail to Aditya Pandit, accused in the suicide of his girlfriend, pilot Srishti Tuli.
孟买一家法院准予Aditya Pandit保释,Aditya Pandit被控教唆其女友印度航空公司飞行员Srishti Tuli自杀,Srishti Tuli于11月25日在她的公寓被发现死亡。 A Mumbai court granted bail to Aditya Pandit, accused of abetting the suicide of his girlfriend, Air India pilot Srishti Tuli, who was found dead in her apartment on November 25. 尽管据称家庭关系紧张,包括食物纠纷,但法院指出,Tuli没有就Pandit的行为向当局或家人投诉。 Despite family allegations of a strained relationship, including disputes over food, the court noted that Tuli had not complained to authorities or family about Pandit's behavior. 法院裁定,仅凭这些问题不足以成为进一步拘留的理由。 The court decided that these issues alone did not justify further detention.