印度男子因自杀死亡,指控妻子的家人骚扰和强迫离婚。 Man in India dies by suicide, accusing wife's family of harassment and forcing divorce.
在北方邦,25岁的Sudheer Kumar死于自杀,指控他的妻子Komal的家人骚扰和要求离婚的压力。 In Uttar Pradesh, 25-year-old Sudheer Kumar died by suicide, accusing his wife Komal's family of harassment and pressure for divorce. 尽管Sudheer6个月前在法院结婚,但Sudheer声称,Komal和她的家人停止与他沟通,要求离婚,但他拒绝了。 Despite being married at a court six months ago, Sudheer alleged that Komal and her family stopped communicating with him and demanded a divorce, which he refused. 他的家人已提出申诉,调查正在进行中。 His family has filed a complaint, and an investigation is ongoing.