Indian exec Subhash Atul死于自杀;妻子因指称的虐待和投诉而面临指控。 Indian exec Subhash Atul died by suicide; wife faces charges over alleged abuse and complaints.
位在北方邦的34岁汽车高管苏巴什·阿图尔在班加罗尔的公寓中自杀. Thirty-four-year-old Subhash Atul, an automobile executive from Uttar Pradesh, died by suicide in his Bengaluru apartment. 他留下了一份24页的说明,详细说明了国内问题,并留下了他的妻子对他提出的八份警方申诉。 He left a 24-page note detailing domestic issues and eight police complaints filed against him by his wife. Atul发来的电子邮件提醒了一个非政府组织,导致警察前往他的公寓。 An NGO was alerted by an email from Atul, leading the police to his apartment. 该案正在调查中,对其妻子和亲属提出教唆指控。 The case is under investigation, with charges of abetment filed against his wife and her relatives.