技术工作者Atul Subhash的母亲因自杀死亡,在家庭逮捕中寻求监护儿子。 Mother of tech worker Atul Subhash, who died by suicide, seeks custody of his son amid family arrests.
自杀身亡的班加罗尔科技工作者 Atul Subhash 留下了一段视频和笔记,指控他的妻子 Nikita Singhania 和她的家人骚扰。 Atul Subhash, a Bengaluru tech worker who died by suicide, left behind a video and note alleging harassment from his wife Nikita Singhania and her family. 他的母亲向最高法院提出了人身保护令申请,要求监护他四岁的儿子,其下落不明。 His mother has filed a habeas corpus petition in the Supreme Court seeking custody of his four-year-old son, whose whereabouts are unknown. Nikita、她母亲和哥哥 以教唆自杀罪被捕 Nikita, her mother, and brother were arrested on charges of abetment to suicide. 最高法院已向北方邦、卡纳塔克邦和哈里亚纳邦当局发出通知,定于1月举行听讯。 The Supreme Court has issued notices to authorities in Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, and Haryana, with a hearing set for January.