研究警告,到2070年,海平面的上升威胁到全球石油港口,包括美国石油港口。 Rising sea levels threaten global oil ports, including those in the U.S., by 2070, study warns.
一项新的研究警告说,在气候变化的推动下,海平面升高到2070年可能严重影响到全世界的主要石油港口,包括沙特阿拉伯和美国的港口。 A new study warns that rising sea levels, driven by climate change, could severely impact major oil ports worldwide by 2070, including those in Saudi Arabia and the U.S. 不可避免的海平面升高一米,可能导致洪水、更大规模的风暴潮和盐水渗透,威胁石油基础设施。 The inevitable 1-meter sea-level rise could lead to flooding, higher storm surges, and saltwater infiltration, threatening oil infrastructure. 研究建议向可再生能源过渡,以减轻这些风险和应对气候变化。 The study suggests transitioning to renewable energy to mitigate these risks and combat climate change.