美国沿海社区寻求解决办法,应对海平面不断上升的威胁家园和环境。 U.S. coastal communities seek solutions to fight rising sea levels threatening homes and environments.
美国海岸一带的居民正在寻求解决海平面上升问题的办法,因为海平面上升威胁到住宅、商业和环境。 Residents along U.S. coasts are seeking solutions to combat rising sea levels, which threaten homes, businesses, and environments. 社区正在强化结构,开发新技术,并规划潜在的搬迁,以保护免受洪水和侵蚀。 Communities are fortifying structures, developing new technologies, and planning potential relocations to protect against flooding and erosion. 这些努力反映了对大西洋、太平洋和海湾沿岸气候变化构成的挑战的集体回应。 These efforts reflect a collective response to the challenges posed by climate change along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts.