NASA-DOD研究警告说,到2100年,盐水将污染77%沿海地区的地下水。 NASA-DOD study warns saltwater will contaminate groundwater in 77% of coastal areas by 2100.
NASA-DOD的一项研究预测,到2100年,由于海平面上升和地下水供应变化,盐水将侵入全世界约77%的沿海地区的地下水。 A NASA-DOD study predicts that by 2100, saltwater will intrude into groundwater in about 77% of coastal areas worldwide due to rising sea levels and changes in groundwater supplies. 这种污染可能使沿海蓄水层的水无法使用,损害生态系统,破坏基础设施。 This contamination could make water in coastal aquifers unusable, harm ecosystems, and damage infrastructure. 这项研究评估了60 000多个沿海流域,突出显示了东南亚、墨西哥湾和美国东海岸等地区的脆弱程度。 The study, which evaluated over 60,000 coastal watersheds, highlights the vulnerability of areas like Southeast Asia, the Gulf of Mexico, and the U.S. Eastern Seaboard.