悉尼HSC私人辅导引起对教育不平等的关切,许多顶级学生接受额外辅导。 Private coaching for HSC in Sydney raises concerns over educational inequality, with many top students receiving extra tutoring.
在悉尼,私营的HSC辅导学院(一个价值数百万美元的无管制行业)正在帮助许多顶尖学生,特别是高级数学学生,引起对教育不平等和课堂教学的担忧。 In Sydney, private HSC coaching colleges, a multi-million-dollar unregulated industry, are helping many top students, especially in advanced math, raising concerns about educational inequality and classroom teaching. 悉尼的一名教师估计,有选择性的公立学校80%的学生接受私人辅导,通常从高中开始。 A Sydney teacher estimates 80% of students at selective public schools receive private coaching, often starting before high school. 这一趋势在20多年中不断增长,凸显了私人辅导对HSC成功与否的不透明影响。 This trend, growing over two decades, highlights the opaque influence of private tutoring on HSC success.