悉尼的私立学校学费每年猛增至51 000美元以上,超过通货膨胀的速度,使家庭财政紧张。 Sydney private school fees surge to over $51,000 yearly, outpacing inflation and straining family finances.
悉尼的私立学校收费正在飞涨,12年级的部分费用每年超过51 000澳元,原因是需要支付公共部门教师的高薪和遏制通货膨胀。 Sydney's private school fees are soaring, with some Year 12 costs exceeding AUD$51,000 annually, driven by the need to match high public sector teacher salaries and combat inflation. 这一增长率为8%,是通货膨胀率的三倍,是公立学校教师在三年内提高10%之后增加的。 This increase, at an 8% rate, is three times the inflation rate, and follows a 10% raise for public school teachers over three years. 较高的费用导致家庭向祖父母寻求经济帮助、延长抵押贷款和使用教育贷款。 Higher costs are leading families to seek financial help from grandparents, extend mortgages, and use education loans.