由于参加 HSC 课程的学生人数不断减少,悉尼大学取消了许多学位的高等数学先决条件。 University of Sydney removes advanced maths prerequisites for many degrees due to declining HSC students taking the subject.
由于参加 HSC 课程的学生数量不断减少,悉尼大学正在取消许多学位的高等数学先决条件。 The University of Sydney is removing advanced maths prerequisites for many degrees, due to declining HSC students taking the subject. 数学教师短缺影响了学生学习高等数学的机会,特别是在地区和偏远学校。 Maths teacher shortages impact students' access to advanced maths, particularly in regional and remote schools. 该大学将提供早期、个性化的数学支持和量身定制的帮助,以帮助学生刷新或加强所需的数学技能。 The university will offer early, personalised maths support and tailored assistance to help students refresh or strengthen required mathematical skills.