NHS 高地和地方理事会就改进苏格兰家庭和社区护理的变革达成一致意见。 NHS Highland and local council agree on changes to improve home and community care in Scotland.
国家保健服务系统高地和高地理事会已同意修改社区护理服务,与《国家保健服务法案》修正案草案保持一致。 NHS Highland and Highland Council have agreed on changes to community care delivery, aligning with draft amendments to the National Care Service Bill. 这些变化旨在加强家庭和社区护理支助。 The changes aim to enhance home and community care support. 一个战略指导小组将监督过渡情况,包括审查融合情况,并视可能设立新的地方护理委员会,确保工作人员和利益攸关方能够为制定计划做出贡献。 A strategic steering group will oversee the transition, including reviewing integration and possibly creating new Local Care Boards, ensuring staff and stakeholders can contribute to shaping the plans.