阿联酋向黎巴嫩运送了3 000吨援助物资,为受冲突影响者提供支持。 UAE delivers 3,000-tonne aid shipment to Lebanon, supporting those hit by conflict.
阿联酋已向黎巴嫩运送了3 000吨援助物资,包括食品、妇女和儿童必需品、冬季用品和住所设备。 The UAE has delivered a 3,000-tonne aid shipment to Lebanon, including food, essentials for women and children, winter supplies, and shelter equipment. 这一倡议是“阿联酋支持黎巴嫩”运动的一部分,它支持那些受最近冲突影响的人,继续阿联酋植根于其建国遗产的人道主义努力。 This initiative, part of the 'UAE Stands with Lebanon' campaign, supports those affected by recent conflict, continuing the UAE's humanitarian efforts rooted in its founding legacy. 与黎巴嫩和国际机构的协调确保援助送达有需要的人。 Coordination with Lebanese and international agencies ensures the aid reaches those in need.