在专业人员到达之前,社区在维多利亚州Creswick的圣乔治湖附近迅速扑灭小草火。 Community quickly douses small grass fire near St George's Lake in Creswick, Victoria, before professionals arrive.
1月4日, 维多利亚州Creswick St George's Lake附近一小场草火在消防员抵达前被当地居民用便携式冷却器和毛巾迅速扑灭。 On January 4, a small grass fire near St George's Lake in Creswick, Victoria, was quickly extinguished by local residents using portable coolers and towels, before firefighters arrived. 火灾在30年代中期的气温中爆发,社区的迅速行动阻止了火灾升级。 The fire broke out in mid-30s temperatures, and the fast action of the community prevented it from escalating. 包括科特迪瓦武装部队在内的当局在现场,并于下午3时20分宣布事件在控制之下。 Authorities, including the CFA, were on the scene and declared the incident under control by 3:20 PM. 事件发生在维多利亚周末面临极端热警告时。 The event occurred as Victoria faced extreme heat warnings for the weekend.