新南威尔士州农村消防局调查West Tamworth住家附近的草地火灾情况,尽管有消防禁令。 NSW Rural Fire Service investigates grass fires near homes in West Tamworth, despite fire ban.
新南威尔士农村消防局正在调查12月28日在West Tamworth爆发的草场火灾, The Rural Fire Service in New South Wales is investigating grass fires that broke out in West Tamworth on December 28, despite a Total Fire Ban. 没有房屋受损,但火势接近几处。 No homes were damaged, but the fires came close to several. 12月29日的火灾危险评分是“高”, 整个州有55起火灾, 其中24起尚未控制。 The fire danger rating for December 29 was "High," with 55 fires burning across the state, 24 of which were not yet contained. RFS正在寻求公众帮助,以找出火灾的原因。 The RFS is seeking public help to find the cause of the fires.