在安大略省Capreol发生的一场房屋火灾需要数小时才能控制,需要城外援助和防御战术。 A house fire in Capreol, Ontario, took hours to control, requiring out-of-town assistance and defensive tactics.
在安大略省Capreol发生的一场房屋火灾,控制了几个小时,需要Sudbury船员的协助。 A house fire in Capreol, Ontario, took hours to control and required assistance from Sudbury crews. 这起火灾于12月19日下午2时30分左右在克莱门特街开始,由于火势激烈,因此进行了防御性战斗。 The fire, which started on Clement Street around 2:30 p.m. on December 19, was fought defensively due to its intensity. 在使用挖掘机和大量水后,火灾于清晨熄灭。 After using an excavator and a large amount of water, the fire was extinguished by the early morning hours. 邻居房屋大多没有受伤,但因烟雾而疏散。 Neighboring houses were mostly unharmed but were evacuated due to smoke. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported.