英国按揭批准率下降,消费者信贷增长放缓,但家庭储蓄略有上升。 UK mortgage approvals drop, consumer credit growth slows, but household savings rise slightly.
11月,英国的抵押贷款批准额降至65 700,比10月减少2 400,但仍高于12个月的平均数。 UK mortgage approvals fell to 65,700 in November, a drop of 2,400 from October, but still above the 12-month average. 消费者信贷增长在两年多的时间里减慢到最疲软的速度,年增长率降至6.6%。 Consumer credit growth slowed to its weakest pace in over two years, with the annual growth rate declining to 6.6%. 尽管出现了这些下降,家庭存款却增加了2亿英镑。 Despite these declines, household deposits increased by £0.2 billion. 英格兰银行保持利率不变,表明对经济政策采取了谨慎态度。 The Bank of England kept interest rates unchanged, signaling a cautious approach to economic policy.