爱尔兰慈善组织敦促检查老人、无家可归者, Irish charity urges checking on elderly, homeless as cold snap hits, temperatures drop.
爱尔兰的一个慈善组织敦促公众检查老年人和弱势人群, 因为寒冷的瞬间袭击了爱尔兰, 气温预计会暴跌, 并可能带来雪。 A charity in Ireland is urging the public to check on elderly and vulnerable people as a cold snap hits the country, with temperatures expected to plummet and possibly bring snow. 慈善组织警告老年人和无家可归的个人,特别是那些不习惯严冬的人,面临危险条件。 The charity warns of dangerous conditions for both older adults and homeless individuals, especially those not accustomed to harsh winters. 他们建议就能源成本问题与Alone联系, 并使用“Dublin Brougher Sleeper App”, 提醒当局注意有需要的人。 They advise contacting ALONE for energy cost concerns and using the 'Dublin Rough Sleeper App' to alert authorities about those in need. 政府被呼吁启动紧急举措以保护露宿者,目前都柏林约有 128 人无家可归。 The government is being called to activate emergency initiatives to protect rough sleepers, with some 128 people currently homeless in Dublin.