爱尔兰当局为严寒的冬季天气做好准备,在雪和冰袭击多个州时告诫要小心。 Irish authorities prepare for severe winter weather, advising caution as snow and ice hit multiple counties.
爱尔兰当局正在准备应付严寒的冬季天气,包括雪和冰警告,影响到多个州。 Irish authorities are preparing for severe winter weather, including snow and ice warnings, affecting multiple counties. 道路安全管理局(RSA)建议司机检查车辆状况、清雪和冰,并小心驾驶。 Road Safety Authority (RSA) advises drivers to check vehicle conditions, clear snow and ice, and drive cautiously. 地方理事会正在用盐和石膏处理道路,无家可归的收容所正在准备额外床位以适应寒冷。 Local councils are treating roads with salt and grit, and homeless shelters are preparing extra beds for the cold spell. 应急服务处于随时待命状态,以备可能发生中断。 Emergency services are on standby for potential disruptions.