印度城乡消费不平等显著下降,差距从2009年以来的88.2%缩小至69.7%。 Inequality in consumption between rural and urban India drops significantly, narrowing the gap to 69.7% from 88.2% since 2009.
印度国家银行的一份报告显示,印度城乡之间的消费不平等显著缩小,自2009至2010年以来,月人均消费支出差距从88.2%降至69.7%。 A State Bank of India report shows a significant decline in consumption inequality between rural and urban India, with the gap in monthly per capita consumption expenditures falling from 88.2% to 69.7% since 2009-10. 这一改善归功于政府倡议,如直接利益转移和改善农村基础设施。 This improvement is credited to government initiatives like direct benefit transfers and rural infrastructure improvements. 农村和城市地区的不平等也有所减少,基尼系数下降,表明在更平衡的消费模式和包容性增长方面取得了进展。 Inequality has also decreased within rural and urban areas, with Gini coefficients dropping, indicating progress toward more balanced consumption patterns and inclusive growth.