印度农村的消费增长超过了城市地区,将支出差距缩小到70%。 Rural India's consumption growth outpaces urban areas, narrowing the spending gap to 70%.
印度最近的住户消费支出调查显示,农村消费增长快于城市消费,城乡差距缩小至70%。 India's latest Household Consumption Expenditure Survey shows rural consumption is rising faster than urban consumption, narrowing the urban-rural gap to 70%. 印度农村和城市人均月均支出分别为4,122和6,996,其中非食品项目占支出的大部分。 Average monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) in rural and urban India is ₹4,122 and ₹6,996, respectively, with non-food items accounting for the majority of spending. 在两个领域,消费不平等也有所下降。 Consumption inequality has also declined in both areas.