欧洲外交官访问叙利亚,推动在人道主义危机中实现包容性过渡。 European diplomats visit Syria, push for inclusive transition amid humanitarian crisis.
访问叙利亚的欧洲顶尖外交官呼吁实现包容性过渡,强调需要叙利亚利益攸关方广泛参与国家重建。 Top European diplomats visiting Syria have called for an inclusive transition, stressing the need for wide participation from Syrian stakeholders in the nation's rebuilding. 他们强调了区域和国际合作的重要性,并对当前人道主义危机表示关切。 They highlighted the importance of regional and international cooperation and expressed concern over the ongoing humanitarian crisis. 这次访问旨在寻求与叙利亚新领导层重新开始。 The visit aims to seek a fresh start with Syria's new leadership.