法国向叙利亚派遣一个外交小组,评估阿萨德之后的局势并重建关系。 France sends a diplomatic team to Syria to assess the situation post-Assad and reestablish ties.
法国计划在星期二向叙利亚派遣一个外交小组,评估政治和安全局势,并在巴沙尔·阿萨德政权倒台后重新建立联系。 France plans to send a diplomatic team to Syria on Tuesday to assess the political and security situation and reestablish contact after the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime. 四人小组将收回法国拥有的房地产,评估叙利亚人民的需要。 The four-person team will reclaim French-owned real estate and evaluate the needs of the Syrian population. 法国自2012年以来未与叙利亚政府实现关系正常化, France has not normalized ties with Syria's government since 2012, instead supporting secular opposition and Kurdish forces.