来自主要西方国家的外交部长会聚一堂,规划叙利亚在阿萨德之后的政治过渡。 Foreign ministers from major Western nations meet to plan Syria's political transition post-Assad.
来自意大利、法国、德国、英国和美国的外交部长本周将举行会议,讨论巴沙尔·阿萨德政权倒台后叙利亚的过渡问题。 Foreign ministers from Italy, France, Germany, Britain, and the U.S. will meet this week to discuss Syria's transition after the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime. 关键议题包括新过渡政府、全国对话、起草新宪法和经济复苏。 Key topics include the new transitional government, national dialogue, drafting a new constitution, and economic recovery. 会议旨在协调国际社会支持叙利亚和平和包容各方的政治过渡。 The meeting aims to coordinate international support for a peaceful and inclusive political transition in Syria.