英国养恤金领取者如果在国家养恤金中工作或赚取超过12 570英镑的收入,必须提交纳税申报表。 UK pensioners must file tax returns if they work or earn more than £12,570 in State Pension.
如果英国养恤金领取者的收入仅来自国家养恤金,且低于12 570英镑,他们通常不需要提交纳税申报表。 UK pensioners usually don't need to file tax returns if their income is solely from the State Pension and under £12,570. 拥有私人养老金的人通过PAYE扣除税款。 Those with private pensions have taxes deducted via PAYE. 如果国家养恤金超过12 570英镑,HMRC会发一份简单评估税法案。 If the State Pension exceeds £12,570, HMRC sends a Simple Assessment Tax Bill. 在工作或自营职业的养恤金领取者必须在2025年1月31日前提交自评税申报表。 Working or self-employed pensioners must file a Self Assessment tax return by January 31, 2025. 额外的收入来源也可能需要申报。 Additional income sources may also require filing. HMRC为具体情况提供指导。 HMRC offers guidance for specific situations.