金融专家敦促养老金储蓄者在1月31日前要求退税,以避免退税损失高达250万英镑。 Financial experts urge pension savers to claim tax rebates by Jan 31 to avoid losing up to £250M in refunds.
金融专家警告养老金储蓄者在1月31日HMRC自查截止日之前申请减税, 以避免失去大量退款. Financial experts warn pension savers to claim tax rebates by the January 31 HMRC self-assessment deadline to avoid losing out on substantial refunds. 许多更高、更多税率的纳税人每年在养恤金税减免中错过约2.5亿英镑。 Many higher and additional rate taxpayers miss out on about £250 million annually in pension tax relief. 储蓄者应了解他们的养老金计划,并确保他们要求额外减税,这可以通过纳税申报表或与高管和高管局联系来实现。 Savers should understand their pension schemes and ensure they claim the extra tax relief, which can be done through tax returns or by contacting HMRC.