瑞典的制造业增长在12月放缓,PMI下降,但仍显示出扩张。 Sweden's manufacturing growth slows in December, PMI drops but still indicates expansion.
瑞典制造业部门在12月的增长速度较慢,从11月的53.7降至52.4。 Sweden's manufacturing sector showed slower growth in December, with the PMI dropping to 52.4 from 53.7 in November. 尽管主要由于订单减少和制造业减少造成价格下降,但PMI仍然显示出扩张。 Despite the decline, which was mainly due to fewer orders and reduced manufacturing, the PMI still indicates expansion. 价格压力增加,原材料成本达到5个月的高点。 Price pressures increased, with raw material costs reaching a 5-month high. 然而,如高生产指数所示,公司计划扩大生产。 However, companies plan to expand production, as indicated by a high production index.