印度制造业增长在11月放缓,但仍然强劲,尽管通货膨胀率高企。 India's manufacturing growth slowed in November but remained strong, despite high inflation.
印度制造业增长在11月因高通胀而放缓,但仍以强劲的速度扩张。 India's manufacturing growth slowed in November due to high inflation, but still expanded at a strong pace. 制造业的PMI跌至56.5,最低11个月,但仍高于50个扩展门槛。 The manufacturing PMI dropped to 56.5, an 11-month low, yet remained above the 50 threshold for expansion. 尽管通货膨胀导致投入和产出成本上升,但创造就业仍然强劲有力,新的出口订单增加。 Despite inflation driving up input and output costs, job creation remained robust and new export orders increased. 由于预期的营销努力、新产品推出以及预期的需求强度,商业乐观情绪有所上升。 Business optimism rose due to anticipated marketing efforts, new product launches, and expected demand strength.