新奥尔良警方关于波旁街卡车袭击的最新消息;有现场报道。 New Orleans police update on truck attack at Bourbon Street; live coverage available.
新奥尔良警方正在举行新闻发布会, 以提供最新消息, 说明最近在波旁街发生的卡车攻击事件, New Orleans police are holding a news conference to provide updates on a recent truck attack that occurred on Bourbon Street. 警察正在详细介绍这一事件,并回答公众和媒体的问题。 The police are giving details on the incident and answering questions from the public and media. 对于那些希望随时了解最新情况的人,可提供现场直播服务。 Live coverage is available for those who want to stay updated on the situation.