得克萨斯州政客谴责新奥尔良的卡车袭击,呼吁加强安全。 Texas politicians condemn New Orleans truck attack, call for enhanced security.
在新奥尔良发生致命的卡车袭击之后,得克萨斯州政客以谴责暴力并呼吁加强安全措施的声明作出回应。 In the aftermath of a deadly truck attack in New Orleans, Texas politicians have responded with statements condemning the violence and calling for increased security measures. 这次袭击造成数人受伤,引发了关于公共安全和防止此类事件的潜在改进的讨论。 The attack left several people injured and sparked discussions on public safety and potential improvements to prevent such incidents. 官员们强调需要社区复原力和对受害者的支持。 Officials emphasized the need for community resilience and support for the victims.