由于政治动荡和预算问题,德国和法国面临经济下滑,这危及欧洲的全球地位。 Germany and France face economic decline due to political turmoil and budget issues, risking Europe's global standing.
由于政治动荡和经济挑战,欧洲最大的经济体德国和法国面临潜在的衰退,缺乏2025年的预算。 Europe's largest economies, Germany and France, face potential decline due to political turmoil and economic challenges, lacking a 2025 budget. 这可能会导致低增长和财政问题,削弱欧洲在超级大国竞争中的全球地位。 This could lead to low growth and fiscal issues, diminishing Europe's global standing amid superpower rivalries. 两国都存在预算赤字和投资不足等问题,这表明需要进行根本改革,以避免持续的经济斗争。 Both countries have issues like budget deficits and underinvestment, indicating a need for fundamental reforms to avoid ongoing economic struggles.