前纽约警局官员Jeffrey Maddrey的家因所谓的性超时计划遭到搜查。 Former NYPD official Jeffrey Maddrey's home was searched over alleged sex-for-overtime scheme.
前纽约警局官员Jeffrey Maddrey的家被执法部门搜查,因为有人指控他要求下属进行性行为以换取加班机会。 Former NYPD official Jeffrey Maddrey had his home searched by law enforcement over allegations that he demanded sex from a subordinate in exchange for overtime opportunities. Maddrey上个月辞职,否认纽约警察局2024财政年度最高收入者提出的索赔。 Maddrey, who resigned last month, denies the claims, which were filed by the NYPD's top earner in fiscal year 2024. 内务局和联邦调查员正在审查此案, Maddrey的律师声称该案是“双方同意的成人关系”。 The Internal Affairs Bureau and federal investigators are examining the case, which Maddrey's lawyer claims is a "consensual, adult relationship."