马里兰州警察 Jason Dyott 中士被指控职务行为不当,据称他在巡逻车内与一名少女发生性关系,并通过 Snapchat 向青少年发送性信息。 Maryland police officer, Sergeant Jason Dyott, accused of misconduct in office, allegedly had sex with a teenage girl in a patrol car and sent sexual messages to teenagers via Snapchat.
马里兰州警察 Jason Dyott 中士被指控职务行为不当,据称他在巡逻车内与一名少女发生性关系,并通过 Snapchat 向多名青少年和学生发送性信息。 Maryland police officer, Sergeant Jason Dyott, accused of misconduct in office, allegedly had sex with a teenage girl in a patrol car and sent sexual messages to several teenagers and students via Snapchat. 戴奥特自 2008 年起在伊斯顿警察局任职,目前面临两项渎职指控。 Dyott, who has served with the Easton Police Department since 2008, is facing two charges of misconduct in office. 在调查期间,该部门已暂停了他的就业资格。 The department has suspended his employment status during the ongoing investigation.