James Stewart Carroll, 华盛顿特区学前班主任,据称因引诱儿童性剥削而被捕。 James Stewart Carroll, D.C. preschool head, arrested for allegedly soliciting child sexual exploitation.
James Stewart Carroll, 知名的华府学前班主任,据称他鼓励一名联邦调查局卧底特工发送一份关于该特工9岁儿子的性清晰视频,因此被捕。 James Stewart Carroll, head of a prestigious D.C. preschool, was arrested after allegedly encouraging an undercover FBI agent to send a sexually explicit video of the agent's 9-year-old son. 在调查之后,Carroll面临一项企图胁迫和引诱一名未成年人的罪状,调查揭露了他关于对儿童性剥削的不同意见的讨论。 Carroll faces one count of attempted coercion and enticement of a minor, following an investigation that revealed his discussions on Discord about child sexual exploitation. 联邦调查局的参与始于9月,导致他在11月19日被捕。 The FBI's involvement began in September, leading to his arrest on November 19.