纽约警局局长Jeffrey Maddrey因指控性要求额外报酬而辞职。 NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey resigned amid accusations of demanding sex for extra pay.
纽约警察局局长Jeffrey Maddrey因被指控向下属索取性服务以换取额外报酬而辞职。 New York Police Department Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey resigned after being accused of demanding sex from a subordinate in exchange for extra pay. 纽约警察局立即接受了他的辞职,并表示他们将彻底调查这些指控。 The NYPD accepted his resignation immediately and stated they will thoroughly investigate the allegations. Maddrey的律师驳回了申诉,称其为“完全没有价值”。 Maddrey's lawyer dismissed the claims as "completely meritless." 纽约警局巡逻队长John Chell将接任临时部门主管。 NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell will take over as interim chief of department.