联邦调查局搜查了前纽约警局官员的家 指控他们要求性帮助 以支付加班费 FBI searches former NYPD official's home over allegations of demanding sexual favors for overtime pay.
执法部门上个月搜查了一名纽约警察局前高级官员的家,当时他辞职是因为有人指控他要求性服务以换取加班费。 Law enforcement searched the home of a former high-ranking NYPD official last month after he resigned due to allegations that he demanded sexual favors in exchange for overtime pay. 联邦调查局参与搜查表明,他们正在调查关于性行为不端的指控,尽管没有公布进一步细节。 The FBI's involvement in the search suggests they are investigating the claims of sexual misconduct, though no further details have been released. 这标志着在调查该官员被指控的行动方面迈出了重要一步。 This marks a significant step in the investigation into the official's alleged actions.