在Idaho的Athol附近,消防部门扑灭BNSF火车火力,未报告有人员受伤。 Fire departments extinguish BNSF train fire near Athol, Idaho, with no injuries reported.
当地消防员于星期三上午1小时之内扑灭了位于北爱达荷州Athol附近的BNSF火车的火力,未报告有人受伤。 A BNSF train fire near Athol, North Idaho, was extinguished within an hour on Wednesday morning by local firefighters, with no reported injuries. 火车的发动机舱起火了 The fire started in the train's engine compartment. 包括木材湖防火区在内的多个消防部门共同努力控制大火。 Multiple fire departments, including Timberlake Fire Protection District, worked together to control the blaze. 火灾原因仍然不明,正在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is still unknown and under investigation.