俄亥俄州萨利姆的火车引擎起火,很快熄灭;铁轨暂时关闭。 Fire broke out in a train's engine in Salem, Ohio, quickly extinguished; tracks temporarily closed.
火车周日在俄亥俄州塞勒姆西佩辛街交叉口起火, A train fire broke out on Sunday at the West Pershing Street crossing in Salem, Ohio, confined to the locomotive's engine compartment. Salem消防局在非值班消防员和Perry镇志愿消防局的协助下,迅速扑灭了火灾。 The Salem Fire Department, with help from off-duty firefighters and the Perry Township Volunteer Fire Department, quickly extinguished the fire. 没有关于货物、化学品或伤害的报告,部分铁轨被暂时关闭。 No cargo, chemicals, or injuries were reported, and part of the train tracks was temporarily closed.