在路易斯安那州尤妮斯有两辆空的铁路汽车和一座桥梁,发生火车火警;调查中没有释放化学品。 Train fire involving two empty rail cars and a bridge in Eunice, Louisiana; no chemicals released, under investigation.
星期四下午在路易斯安那州的尤妮斯发生火车火灾,涉及两辆空的铁路汽车和一座桥梁。 A train fire occurred Thursday afternoon in Eunice, Louisiana, involving two empty rail cars and a bridge. 由于安全考虑,最初建议居民住在那里,但这项命令在官员证实没有释放化学品后被解除。 Residents were initially advised to shelter in place due to safety concerns, but the order was lifted after officials confirmed no chemicals were released. 紧急救援人员控制了火灾 当局正在调查火灾的原因 Emergency crews contained the fire, and authorities are investigating its cause. 仍在敦促居民避免北圣玛丽地区,因为对桥梁的评估仍在继续。 Residents are still urged to avoid the North St Mary area as assessments of the bridge continue.