埃塞俄比亚的目标是到2035年用电动车辆取代150万辆化石燃料车辆。 Ethiopia aims to replace 1.5 million fossil fuel vehicles with electric ones by 2035.
埃塞俄比亚计划用电动车辆取代大约150万辆矿物燃料车辆,目标是在今后十年内提供432 000个EV。 Ethiopia plans to replace around 1.5 million fossil fuel vehicles with electric ones, aiming for 432,000 EVs in the next decade. 该国已经运行了10万多个EV, 正在亚的斯亚贝巴和贡达尔等城市扩大收费站。 The country, already operating over 100,000 EVs, is expanding charging stations in cities like Addis Ababa and Gondar. 为促进过渡,政府已禁止进口汽油和柴油车辆,并正在鼓励EV生产和投资。 To boost the transition, the government has banned imports of gasoline and diesel vehicles and is offering incentives for EV production and investment.