南非加快了EV转型,目的是成为一个全球汽车枢纽,并减少排放。 South Africa accelerates EV transition, aiming to become a global automotive hub and reduce emissions.
南非正在加速向电动车辆(EVs)过渡,并计划成为一个全球汽车枢纽。 South Africa is accelerating its transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and plans to become a global automotive hub. 政府正在重新确定资金的优先次序,并制定一个EV政策框架,以支持这一转变,旨在减少温室气体排放,并从绿色氢等绿色技术中获益。 The government is reprioritizing funds and working on an EV policy framework to support this shift, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and benefit from greener technologies like green hydrogen. Parks Tau部长强调,必须迅速采取行动,避免落在后面,并强调整个非洲在工业化方面开展合作的重要性。 Minister Parks Tau emphasized the need for fast action to avoid being left behind and highlighted the importance of collaboration across Africa for industrialization.